I was testing recipes at high altitudes. This was a white cake with chocolate filling and buttercream frosting. I brushed some amaretto on the layers before putting it together to help give it flavor and keep it moist, but it was too much and was still a bit dry in places. That is a challenge at high altitudes, finding a cake that is moist. Well, it was fun decorating it. I found the recipe on line from New Mexico. I will try it again and if it turns out better I will post the recipe.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Baby Cake with Butter Cream Frosting
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Water Color - Getting Into Art Again

I haven't painted for years. I used to teach painting at Pioneer Valley Academy and Campion Academy and to people in town that wanted to learn how to draw and paint. But I never got into water color because, frankly it scared me. Water painting is different than oils or even acrylics. I like being able to move color around and work from dark to light. Water painting is the opposite. I have to work from light to dark and it is not easy to move around or correct mistakes. But I like the fact that water color is cheap, easy to clean up, and doesn't take up tons of room to store. It is easy to take in the car and paint on location without much fuss. So, maybe, I have found my new medium and my art again.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Cheap Smiles
Easter Weekend
Sebby is so handsome in his Easter suit. He likes to wear his suit too. He looks like such a little man.
Saturday night we took Easter baskets over to the boys instead of waiting for Sunday because Don and I were going to Taos with his sister and her husband and some of their friends. It was loads of fun watching them tear into them and play. Grandparents can really spoil their grandchildren. Every time I go to the store I look for something for the kids and have to restrain myself from buying everything. They don't need most of it. I do try to get practical things but it's fun to get goofy stuff and watch them play or join in the play with them. It is bonding.
We had a wonderful church service. The young people from the college and high school gave the praise service and I was privileged to help them with it. I love hanging out with young people. I love their energy and willingness to help out. It was a very nice weekend.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Earth Ships
Much of the structure is built with recyclable material like pop cans, glass bottles and tires.
These homes, one would think, would be pretty cheap to build and they can be made nice inside. We took a tour of this one a while back, but not this time. Actually the homes can run from around $100,000 to $450,000. So they can actually be pricey.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Chocolate Cake With Chocolate Mint Ganache Filling and Fondant Icing
I can't believe I did this fondant covered chocolate cake. I've wanted to do a fondant icing for some time. I don't really like the taste of fondant and I don't like the expense. But they always look really good when decorated and they keep pretty well in different weather so I wanted to try it. I found a homemade recipe on line - just look, there are several good ones. Just type in "homemade fondant recipes." The one I found used mini marshmallows and powdered sugar. You can find it at http://whatscookingamerica.net/PegW/Fondant.htm
Then I needed a cake to put it on so I looked on line for a chocolate cake with high altitude instructions because I live at 76oo ft. I found a perfect recipe and it baked beautifully. You can find it at http://www.hersheys.com/recipes/recipes/detail.asp?id=4608. I didn't use a box cake recipe because when using fondant I wanted a cake that was a bit more dense then the customary box cakes.
After baking a cake I realized I need to "crumb frost" the cake with a butter cream frosting. I bought a box of Wilton's Butter Cream Frosting and though it's a nice texture it's expensive for the amount it makes. So I looked on line again and found a butter cream icing recipe that pros use. I used Crisco instead of butter and added 1 teaspoon butter flavoring. I wanted the icing to be white and butter tints it slightly yellow. I also added a tablespoon of powdered meringue to the mix. I think it gives it some lift for decorating flowers.
I evened the layers out with a cake trimmer. Handy little tool that does an amazing job at squaring the cake. Then I made my ganache. I used one 12 oz bag of Nestles chocolate and mint chips and 3/4 cup cream. I put this in the top of a double boiler until melted and smooth. Then I put a rim of white butter cream around the edge of one of the cakes. This helps hold in the filling so it doesn't squish out the sides when you put the top layer on. Inside the ring I poured the ganache filling. I added the top, frosted the cake on top and sides and tried to get it as smooth and even as possible. Then I put it in the fridge to cool.
It took me four times to roll out my fondant to the right texture. It has a tendency to absorbed the powdered sugar that I sprinkled down like flour under pastry dough. I had to keep putting powdered sugar under the fondant as I rolled it out. I also had tears at first. But adding very small amounts of water and kneading the fondant again I was finally able to find the right balance and got a smooth roll out. I rolled it up carefully on the roller. I got the cooled cake from the fridge and laid the fondant over it. I smoothed it out and trimmed it off the bottom. I had to be careful smoothing the fondant because it will stretch a bit. I patiently worked it until I got a smooth covering. I was amazed that it turned out somewhat like it should.
With the rest of the butter cream frosting I made leaves and flowers and trimmed out the cake. Now this whole process took me several days as I started with the fondant, then made the cake, then did the decorating. I can't imagine making a cake like this in 8 hours like the folks on Food Network challenge do. I realize they have to bring lots of stuff already done, but still decorating the cake takes the longest. All in all it turned out pretty good. So, yes. I will try doing this again.
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