This was a total practice cake. I wanted to make fondant flowers and so I practiced this week and then made a cake to put them on. I did different arrangements on each side of the cake. There are arranging errors that I see so will be careful next time to have a more exact plan.

This is my first try at basket weave. It was too hot to make it work well though it came out okay. My hands were so hot and I had to keep putting the piping bag in the fridge. I also wanted the weave to stand up better after putting the flowers on. I probably should have cooled the whole cake before putting them on.

The flowers were fun to make but I think I can do better with them too. I want my leaves to look more real as well so I guess I will break down and get some veiners. I learned by watching You Tube. There is much to learn if you are a self taught baker/decorator like me. Whatever you do JUST HAVE FUN!