I came out to California to help my mom after she had her eye surgery. She is having cataracs removed and new lenses put in. My dad thinks he can help her and he probably can, but she needed a woman's touch, especially mine. So nice to feel needed. We have had a great time together. We just hung out the first day and I took it easy. It was nice to have a break from the daily grind at home. Mom had to have pre-op preparations like eye drops and cleaning her eyes with special solutions.
The day following her surgery we did errands in town and went to the mall. I asked her where she would like to go for lunch and she asked for "Red Robin" next to the shopping mall. They have great shakes and onion rings there and she loves both. She isn't feeling any pain. Just a slight headache. After lunch we went shopping at Maceys and found a great sale. Up to 80 per cent off and a bunch of stuff. She found a pair of jeans and found two pair of jeans and four tops for around $90. Since I don't get much of a chance to shop in Alamosa I bought!!!
I went outside to see the yard and it's like taking your life in your hands. They have a million moles digging tunnels everywhere in their yard. I kept sinking into holes both in the orchard and in the lawn. Unbelievable! What do you do to get rid of those things. Dad says he sticks a hose into the hole and hopes to drown 'em. Don't think that is working dad. He doesn't use poison and he only has so many traps. I think they are ganging up on him. I fully expect to come and visit and just see the roof of the house sticking out of the ground because of a huge sink hole created by the tunneling moles. It will be occupied by those nasty moles and mom and dad will be tied up in the closet somewhere with the hose turned on.
As long as I am here I want my mom to relax, enjoy home cooked meals she doesn't have to make, and not sink into any holes. So just relax mom. I think I have it all covered!
My daughter, the comedian! Love her anyway!