I haven't posted since May basically because my mother had a small stroke and I flew out to California where I helped Mom get back on her feet. We had been planning a vacation for my folks in Colorado for the month of July so I brought them home with me. Unfortunately my Dad took deathly ill just after getting here and I spent the next several weeks getting him back to good health. Now that they are both doing quite well I decided to celebrate by making my own birthday cake.
I made the rose while in California. I used gum paste for that and the leaves. For the little white flowers I used butter cream frosting. I used a mold for the beading. I painted the pink beads with pink peril luster dust.
The cake itself is double layer chocolate with chocolate gnache filling. Hey, I love chocolate and I wanted decadence. What can I say.....it was my birthday!
I really wanted to make a Topsy Turvy cake. But I just didn't have the time. However, that will be my next cake once things get back to normal (whatever that is).
By the way, thank you to all of you who gave me encouragement while I took care of my folks. Thank you for the calls, prayers, food, and texts. You are awesome! I thank God for you. Love to you all!!!