Sunday, August 1, 2010

Update on Don (and Sue) - Back Home Again

It has been good go be home.  Don is resting peacefully in his own bed.  We have to have the home health nurse come in twice a day and give Don his IV antibiotic.  He will have to do this for two weeks.  Then we go back to Denver to see the Doctors again.  They want to check him out, do another CT scan and make sure that he is healing like he should be.  So we will see.  They may decide to forego the CT scan if he is doing okay since he has had so many already. 

I am cleaning closets and cupboards. The girls are having a garage sale today and then doing it again in three weeks.  That will be the last one.  So I think I have time to find a bunch of junk and get rid of it all.  I am also going to play golf every day.  Really early in the morning so I can spend the rest of the day taking care of Don.  It is also good to see the grandkids again.  Plan on doing a lot with them too.

I went over to Casey's and picked up Sebby to come and see Grandpa.  Abby had already seen him.  Sebby was very interested in Don's 8 inch incision.  He is very careful with grandpa.  "I'll wait till grampa is all well before I jump on him!!"  Good idea.

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