Monday, July 5, 2010

Dealing with Diverticulitis Part 2

Don is doing great today (July 5th).  He even "worked" from a terminal server I have on this computer.  I am sure it felt good for him to do something.

I thought the doctor put him on a PPN which means Partial Parenteral Nutrition. Actually Don is on a TPN which means Total Parenteral Nutrition. This supplies all daily nutritional requirements and can be used at the hospital or at home.Because TPN solutions are concentrated and can cause thrombosis of peripheral veins, a central venous catheter is usually required. This is fed through a PICC Line (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter). This is inserted in a large vein under the arm and toward the neck.  They have to take an xray to see if it is inserted correctly.  The medical personnel can attach several connectors for IVs that deliver different things such as antibiotics, medications, nutritional fluids and fats, and whatever else they need. 

Don is able to discontinue the Normal Saline drip.  I am so happy about that because that is what caused him to retain so much fluid the first time around.  He is also able to start clear liquids again.  They are watching him very closely to make sure there are no more tiny perferations and the bowel is beginning to function normally again.

They have hooked up a t/pump that is attached to a greem piece of bubbled material.  This is a type of  heating pad that circulates hot water through the material.  They have this on the arm that has the IV.  I think with all the IV medications and fluids that are being pumped into Don he is always cold.  This could be that most stuff is stored in the refrigerator and not allowed to get up to room temp or warmer so when they put a new bag on him he feels it circulate through his body and he cools down.  I have to keep getting blankets from the warmer to get his feet comfortable.  The T/pump warmer is a nice addition to helping get Don's temperature regulated.

The nurse just came in and started the lovenox injection again.  It is a heprin type drug that helps the blood to thin.  Don's blood platelets are at 690 and normal should be around 140 to 400.  These injections are given in the abdomen and bruise him terribly. 

We were recommended to Dr. John Sabel a gastroentrologist here in Denver.  Nice guy.  We will be working out the details of the upcoming surgery with him and finding a surgeon that can do the job.  Will update when we find out more.

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