Friday, February 26, 2010

Labor Update #7

Callie had her membrane swept by the doctor on Wednesday. After that she had hard contractions for a few hours and then quit again.  We thought she would do something within 24 hours.

I can see the baby moving around.  I watch something (hand or foot) move across Callie' stomach and the whole mass shifts like Susanna Cate is doing Gymnastics in there. Funny.

Andy took her yesterday to Sam's Club to walk around and try to get things moving and stock up on stuff for the weekend. Last night Callie, Laura, and I went to PF Changs for dinner.  Andy opted to stay home with Abby and play.

Spring Break has started for Mt. Pisgah, the school where they teach.  Maybe Callie will stop stressing and just relax.

We are going to the Salon today to get my hair cut.  Getting out and about may help her, who knows. 

The doctor's office called and set up her induction for Monday a 6 am.  If you voted on the poll then we were all wrong.  However, I am guessing the weight.  Since we have big babies in this family I am guessing 8.8 pounds.  Andy is guessing 10 (his birth weight).   What do you guess?