Monday, March 1, 2010

Freightening But Okay

About an hour after Callie gave birth and we were getting ready to move her to the regular rooms she began to have difficulty breathing.  Nauseated and turning pale she began to crash.  I called the nurse in and she immediatly got the trauma team in.  Callie's uterus was blocked by a full bladder and a huge blood clot at the upper apex. 

The uterus needs to continue contracting and "clamping down" so that the blood vessels in there shut off and slough out any extra junk that needs to be expelled.  The blood clot was keeping that from happening. Suddenly when the nurse checked her she began to hemorrage and she bled out a liter of blood. Vomiting helped her a bit. She was catheterized and 500 CCs of fluid was extracted.

Her physician, who had gone home, was called back.  In her hurry she got pulled over and ticketed.  The stupid cop followed her here to the hospital to make sure she was telling the truth.  Sheeze.

The trauma team did a great job in getting Callie stabilized.  It was very scary.  They are going to give her two units of blood in about 5 hours after they check her blood levels.

While all of this was happening I slipped out and called Don.  He and pastor Jim stayed on the phone with each other and prayed together while Don was driving home from the front range.  It really helped and we could feel God's presence working along with the doctors and nurses.

Callie is very tired, but doing fine now.  She is holding Cate and they are resting. All is well.

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